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Links We Found Interesting
We found these links interesting, and we're adding more all the time. We don't always agree with all these folks in every respect, but you might be interested in some of them.

The Council of Conservative Citizens
The Insight ... Links to a myriad of religious sites from Animism to Zoroastrianism and every ism in betweeen!
Anthology of Sermons and Ordaining Women Deacons
Women Deacons? -- Treatises by Dr. Woods and Rev. Carlberg, et al, at http://macwoods.qwe.as

The Order of St. Andrew Taking on the religious and political issues and controversies of our day with courage and with complete confidence in the full authority of the infallible Word of God.
Ages of the Kingdom of God See the Millennial Kingdom of God from a much revised perspective!
www.biblebb.com Here is the website containing the Abortion message from Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. ... It's a good one!
Trinity Seminary and College of the Bible
AMAZON.COM We are please to announce that all the books so far in publication and written by Dr. Woods are NOW AVAILABLE at AMAZON.COM at very good prices ... Happy shopping !!!
Lulu.com ... a revolution in publishing

Several books by Doc Woods may be found at Lulu.com ... including the latest work on the defense of the King James Bible.

Books by Doc Woods on the web
Dixie General Store
Steve and Anissa Woods ... Contact Info. page
