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A sinner saved by grace
Lt. General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson once said, "Duty is ours, consequences are God's." Deo Vindice! I am a Southerner saved by the grace of God through God-given faith which I would never have been able to appropriate for myself due to my total depravity. I'm elated that God saw fit before the foundation of the world to choose me to receive His gift of saving grace.

I grew up in a small town in middle Tennessee. I liked to play various sports growing up, but my favorites were basketball and tennis. I enjoyed football, but I just didn't have the right physique for it! I went to college ... several times ... and I hold degrees in Biology (BS), Mechanical Engineering (BS), Business Administration (M.B.A.), Divinity (M.Div.), and I hold a doctorate in Theology (Th.D.) and a second earned doctorate in Ministry (D.Min.). For most of my youth, I attended a Southern Baptist church, but ultimately became an Associate Reformed Presbyterian Pastor ... Go figure!

My Background
I am married and have a stepdaughter and a new son ... they try to keep me in line!
  What I Believe
I'm about sharing what God has allowed me to learn, while all the time learning more about Him. I want to share the Word with you in sermons and articles. I want to share some other views with you, on Scottish and Confederate things, on the superiority of the King James Bible to modern versions, and who knows what else.

Most of my ancestry can be traced to Scotland, and my people there are in need of revival, just as my people here are in similar need. May God save the South, and send His Holy Spirit upon us all, afresh and anew!

More About Me!
... and I'm not bragging about that or glorifying it in any way, but it's true. The Apostle Paul was a pretty bad guy too, back when his name was Saul. But God changed him, even changed his name ... and God changed me. I never would have changed otherwise, and I've still got a bunch of changing to do. Only God can change sinners like me.

I Was No Angel ...
I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth and was crucified to save His people from their sins. He was God in the flesh. The Bible attests to that, and it is His story. The Old Testament looks forward to Christ, and the New Testament tells us about what He did and what He will do. I believe that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, and fully authoritative Word of God. Other authorities are false. Reason, tradition, and experience can all be liars, but the Word of God does not lie. It is true ... all true. The church at large must return to this simple precept, for so many have abandoned it. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His Word shall not pass away. It will be the criterion by which we are judged whether we believe it or not.

"We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
fighting for our liberty with treasure, blood, and toil ...