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On this page, you will find items for sale. More will be added as time goes on!
You will find LINKS to the home pages of all the publishers below located on the FAVORITE LINKS page on this site. Those of you who would like at least one copy of ALL the books listed below should contact us directly using the information on our CONTACT PAGE on this site. We will give you a little break on the price where we can AND we will send the books autographed.
Happy shopping !!!

We are pleased to announce that all our books (presently in publication) are now available at www.AMAZON.COM ... at very good prices as well !!! The direct link is
(see LINKS page)

"Anthology of Sermons: The Early Hopewell Pulpit"
This work is a collection of sermons by Rev. Dr. Woods with an occasional work of some other type thrown in. These treatises are conservative, reformed, and mindful of the infallibility and final authority of the Bible. The selected works included cover a period from 1997-2000, and may be purchased as either a softcover book or as an electronic book in MAC or PC format. The printed book sells for fifteen dollars and may be purchased in the Great University publications section at the link to GU on our LINKS page. They may also be contacted by mail at 270 King Street, Charleston, SC, or by phone at 843-579-0000.
"The Coming man and the Kingdom of God"

This book is a combination of two eschatological works by Dr. Woods. The first (The Coming Man) is an eschatological treatise of the seventh and eighth heads of the Beast of Revelation. Do not miss some shocking conclusions drawn from the pages of Scripture and history. The second (Ages of the Kingdom of God) is a new look at the Kingdom of God. This work, along with several others, may be located in print or e-format at

"Ages of the Kingdom of God"
Of the three major views regarding the end times, none seems to satisfy all of Scripture well. Here is an attempt to draw us a little closer to the truth of the Bible with respect to the Millennium. This is a "must read" for the eschatology buff as it combines the best of postmillennial, premillennial, and amillennial constructs in trying to reinterpret the difficult texts for each view. The result is a brand new concept of the Millennium and beyond which accepts much from our traditional views while radically altering some interpretations; ever holding to the full and final authority, and the infallibility, of the Bible. "Ages of the Kingdom" is available now from Infinity Publishers (, 519 West Lancaster Avenue, Haverford, PA 19041-1413 (877-BUY-BOOK). This work is a bargain at its introductory price of about ten dollars!!!
"Ordaining Women Deacons"
Should women be ordained in the church of Jesus Christ? Some say "No!" while others hold that women may rightly hold any office in the church that men may hold. What do you believe about this issue? Do you know why you hold the view that you hold? What does the Bible have to say about it? Must we follow the Bible with regard to our practice today in the twenty-first century? This book (edited by Dr. Woods who is one of the many contributors) is a collection of articles which deal with the ordination of women in the church. Some contributors are liberal with regard to this issue while others are conservative; but you will see as you read that "liberal" and "conservative" are relative terms! The book deals specifically with the propriety/impropriety of ordaining women to be deacons, but the writers surely also deal with the wider questions with respect to the ordination of women as elders, preachers, pastors, bishops, etc. The publisher is GU (843-579-0000, or and the price is about fifteen dollars.

"Biblical Sermons from a Reformed Perspective: The Writings of the Apostle John"
This is a second collection of sermons by Dr. Woods, dealing specifically with the books of the New Testament authored by John the Apostle. It is a nice (very high quality) presentation from XLIBRIS ( or 888-795-4274) and sells for under twenty dollars. ... It makes a wonderful gift!
How to Interpret the Bible:
Useful Hermeneutical Principles

Here is an attempt to put the principles of biblical interpretation into a form, a language, and a format which can be understood easily and readily by those who wish to honor that command. This book is a systematic approach to the subject, giving the reader distinct, compartmentalized, itemized instruction. The book is available from Booksurge at, or by calling 843-579-0000.
"The King's Bible"

This book is a much needed compilation of articles and monographs supporting the superiority of the King James Bible when compared to more modern English "translations." If you want to know the truth about this business of English Bible translation, here's your chance. The book is available for download or in print at

"Christian Baptism"

Here is a work which looks at many different facets of this complex ecclesiastical issue. It includes the work of those who hold to the strict immersionist view as well as those who hold a covenantal or reformed view. Certain views such as baptismal regeneration are not considered. The book is available at
